January 25th 2025 Report
Snake River
Our first true cold spell of the winter occurred this month, creating substantial anchor ice and frazzle ice on the Snake. Conditions have been tough, but the best fishing has come in slow currents like back channels and eddies when they are ice free with double nymph rigs composed mainly of midge imitations. With these cold temps, be sure to limit fish exposure to hands, gloves, and air when being released.
South Fork
The past week’s cold spell brought icy conditions on the South Fork that was most prominent on the upper reaches. The lower reaches experienced moderate ice/slush flow that occurred primarily in the morning hours, leaving the afternoon relatively ice free. Conditions have been challenging but production has come during a three hour window from around 1pm to 4pm in riffle pools, seam tails, and eddies with midge imitations (primarily Zebra Midges, Lil’ Foams, and Devil Jigs) and cdc soft hackle attractor nymphs. Nothing off the charts, but still some decent action for those getting out on the water. As on the Snake, be sure to limit the physical touching of fish and exposure to air when being released.