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Midgin' Remains the Name of the Game.

Snake River

Nymph rigs are the name of the game most days, especially when targeting ledge rock pools, deep troughs, seams and eddies. Some attractor soft hackles are getting into fish but not near to the same degree as smaller midge imitations. Surface action is occurring mostly in deeper water in ledge rock pools and backwater channels and on the edge of troughs. Nymph rigs will work in all of this water but also working along seams and in eddies with slow currents.

We are starting to see more consistent action on streamers in slower water, particularly at tributary confluences and in slow backwater channels. It is by no means stellar but it is the most consistent action we have seen on baitfish imitations since November and offering a decent break from midge monotony. Floating lines or hover lines fished with slow, even retrieves works best. Go with small, sparsely tied patterns. Be prepared for some long follows without commitments, as well as eats from time-to-time.

Dry flies – Griffith Gnats, Parachute Adams, Parachute Midges, CDC Midge Emergers, and Chez’s Krystal Wing Midge Emerger.

Nymph – Duracells, Hustlers, Copper Johns in red or black, Rainbow Warriors, Booty’s Day-2 Midge Pupa, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Devil Jigs, and Perdigons.

Streamers – do Seal Bugger, Pine Squirrel Zonkers, Slump Busters, and Baby Clousers.

South Fork

Still heavy midgin’ on the South Fork, but a wider range of activity time-wise with surface action starting before 11am most days and not really slowing down until after 4pm just about every day. The most consistent action is occurring on the Swan Valley reach from the Dam down to Byington. The lower reaches from Byington down to Menan also have action but in a tighter window from about 11:30am until 3pm. Seams and eddies are fishing the best, although riffle pools and banks with slow currents are worth targeting later in the day after 1pm.

Nymph rigs are working well from around 10am until 4pm and have obviously been producing more consistently than surface flies. Faster current margins are best fished with double/triple rigs depending on depth with five to seven and a half feet of leader from trailing fly to line/suspension device. Slower currents, particularly those running along banks and at riffle tailouts, are producing best with dry-dropper rigs with dropper tippet in the three to five foot range (again, depending on the depth being fished). Target seams, banks, riffle pools and tailouts, and slow backwater channels.

Dry flies – Renegades, Mating Midges, Parachute Midges,CDC, Midge Emergers, and Bubbleheads.

Nymphs – Duracells, Brush Hogs. Copper Johns in red or black, Military Mayflies, Egan’s Green Dart, Zebra Midges, Ice Cream Cone Midges, Devil Jigs, and Perdigons.


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